
6.7. Configuration Overview of Icinga Web

6.7.1. Where are my config files?
6.7.2. Index
6.7.3. Global Configuration Section
6.7.4. Troubleshooting
6.7.5. Module Configuration
6.7.6. Customised Configuration

6.7.1. Where are my config files?

The configuration files provided by Icinga Web are located below app/config, site specific configuration files below the web configuration folder (per default etc/conf.d) which will not be overridden during the next upgrade process. The folder may be changed during installation using --with-conf-dir. The files are named identically as the ones in app/config.

Icinga operates in modules, every module has its own configuration file. This is also done with the libraries. If you need information about the cronk library, take a look into app/modules/Cronks/lib (for js things app/modules/Cronks/lib/js).

A sample module looks like this:

tree -d -L 1 app/modules/AppKit/
|-- actions
|-- config
|-- lib
|-- models
|-- templates
|-- validate
|-- views

6.7.2. Index

Table 6.1. Configuration files
Filename Location Note
access.xml app/modules/Api/config/ Controls commands and where Icinga commands goes to
auth.xml app/modules/AppKit/config/ Authentication configuration
cronks.xml app/modules/Cronks/config/ System cronk and categories which are not changeable by users
databases.xml app/config/ Upgrade safe database connections
factories.xml app/config/ Agavi system config, storage and session configuration
icinga.xml app/config/ Icinga settings, e.g. version and prefixes / version name
logging.xml app/config/ Disable log levels or write new logfiles
module_appkit.xml app/modules/AppKit/config/ Overwrite settings for AppKit module (ajax timeout, SQL query logging)
module_cronks.xml app/modules/Cronks/config/ Overwrite settings for Cronks module
module_reporting.xml app/modules/Reporting/config/ Overwrite settings for Reporting (multiple JasperServer ...)
module_web.xml app/modules/Web/config/ Overwrite setting for Web module
settings.xml app/config/ Change agavi core settings (Title, availability, debug-mode, ...)
sla.xml app/modules/Api/config/ SLA settings for the provider (Only used by tackle view)
exclude_customvars.xml app/modules/Api/config/ Exclude sensitive customvars from API queries
translation.xml app/config/ Default language, date and time formats and settings
module.xml app/modules/Appkit/config/ Overwrite user preferences using userpreferences.xml (in etc/conf.d)

6.7.3. Global Configuration Section


Here you find the global configuration files for e.g. the web session, the Icinga web path and the database information. Site specific configuration files from the web config folder (per default etc/conf.d) are included automatically.

The main interesting files (in alphabetical order):

6.7.4. Troubleshooting

Change Icinga Web timezone

If the time(zone) in Icinga Web differs from your system time(zone), please check the date.timezone entry in your php.ini. Alternatively check the entry in app/modules/AppKit/config/module.xml (e.g. 'Europe/Berlin'):

#> vi app/modules/AppKit/config/module.xml
<ae:parameter name="date.timezone">Europe/Berlin</ae:parameter>

Change user preferences

The file module.xml contains several settings which can be overwritten by custom settings to be placed in userpreferences.xml (in the etc/config folder).

6.7.5. Module Configuration

6.7.6. Customised Configuration


When creating and/or editing configuration files, keep the following in mind:

[Note] Note

After changing those configs you need to clear the config cache!

 #> rm -rf app/cache/config/*.php


 #> /usr/local/icinga-web/bin/clearcache.sh

You need more information? Please have a look at our Development Wiki.