
8.7. Graphing Performance Info With PNP4Nagios

8.7.1. Introduction
8.7.2. Prerequisites
8.7.3. Average Host / Service Check Latency
8.7.4. Service Statistics
8.7.5. Host Statistics
8.7.6. Average Execution Times
8.7.7. External Commands
8.7.8. External Command Buffers
8.7.9. Cached Host and Service Checks
8.7.10. Average State Changes

8.7.1. Introduction

The icingastats utility allows you to graph various Icinga performance statistics over time using PNP4Nagios. This is important because it can help you to:

8.7.2. Prerequisites

PNP4Nagios is one of the most popular addons due to easy installation and little maintenance during operation. The documentation along with further links to download the software can be found at http://docs.pnp4nagios.org/pnp-0.6/start.

check_nagiostats was published by Jochen Bern and can be called as an active service check or via crontab to submit passive check results. Despite its name it can be used for Icinga as well.

Example Graphs

We'll describe what the graphs produced by check_nagiostats mean and what they can be used for...

8.7.3. Average Host / Service Check Latency

Figure 8.1. Average Host / Service Check Latency

Average Host / Service Check Latency

This graph shows the average latency times of hosts and services over time for both active and passive checks, respectively. Useful for understanding:

Consistently high latencies can be an indication that one or more of the following variables need tweaking:

8.7.4. Service Statistics

Figure 8.2. Service Statistics

Service Statistics

This graph shows the values for the several service states along with the average number of services being checked actively/passively within the timeperiod you specified. Useful for understanding:

8.7.5. Host Statistics

Figure 8.3. Host Statistics

Host Statistics

This graph shows the values for the several host states along with the average number of hosts being checked actively/passively within the timeperiod you specified. Useful for understanding:

8.7.6. Average Execution Times

Figure 8.4. Average Execution Times

Average Execution Times

This graph shows the average execution times of hosts and services over time. Useful for understanding:

[Note] Note

To be honest: We tweaked the graphs a bit, meaning the colours. Yellow is sometimes hard to distinguish from the background so we changed some lines in the PNP4Nagios template file template.dist/nagiostats.php from $i=0; to $i=1;.

Additional graphs

Well, we tweaked the template a bit more because the plugin delivers the data but there aren't appropriate graphs (but looking at the template file it is very easy to add the lines if you really need the following graphs).

8.7.7. External Commands

Figure 8.5. External Commands

External Commands

This graph shows how may external commands have been processed by the Icinga daemon over time. Unless you're processing a large number of external commands (as in the case with distributed monitoring setups), this graph may appear mostly empty. Monitoring external commands can be useful for understanding the impacts of:

8.7.8. External Command Buffers

Figure 8.6. External Command Buffers

External Command Buffers

This graph shows how many external command buffer slots are in use over time. If the number of used buffers is near the number of available buffers on a regular basis, it is likely you need to increase the available external command buffer slots. Each buffer slot can hold one external command. Buffers are used for temporarily holding external commands from the time they are read from the external command file to the time they are processed by the Icinga daemon.

As you can see just one buffer is used and that's the one for the graphs as mentioned above.

8.7.9. Cached Host and Service Checks

Figure 8.7. Cached Host and Service Checks

Cached Host and Service Checks

This graph shows how may cached host and service checks have occurred over time. Useful for understanding:

8.7.10. Average State Changes

Figure 8.8. Average State Changes

Average State Changes

This graph shows the average percent state change (a measure of volatility) over time, broken down by hosts and services that were last checked either actively or passively. Useful for understanding: