
9.5. Installation of the Icinga Reporting with JasperReports Server

9.5.1. Introduction
9.5.2. Official Docs
9.5.3. Requirements
9.5.4. Icinga Reporting
9.5.5. Configuration
9.5.6. Reports
9.5.7. Errors

9.5.1. Introduction

The Icinga Reporting is based on the IDOUtils backend and just like the Icinga Core, it will support all major database platforms.

Here we'll give you some instructions on how to install the Icinga Reporting with JasperReports Server.

9.5.2. Official Docs

For more information, please refer to http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperserver/files/JasperServer/JasperServer%205.0.0/JasperReports-Server-CP-Install-Guide.pdf or http://jasperforge.org/espdocs/espbrowse.php?id=86&type=folder&group_id=112&parent=86

9.5.3. Requirements

9.5.4. Icinga Reporting

As from Icinga 1.6 on, the package provides configure and make scripts.

9.5.5. Configuration

Open the webinterface, default credentials are jasperadmin:jasperadmin

9.5.6. Reports

Verify that the reports are available and working.

Figure 9.3. Icinga reporting

Icinga reporting

9.5.7. Errors